Third Place Commons is fortunate to host Seattle Opera previews before each upcoming performance. On Tuesday, April 21 at 7 pm, a members of Seattle Operas education staff will lead an informal opera talk designed to give you a great orientation to their upcoming production of Ariadne auf Naxos by Richard Strauss.
From Seattle Opera’s the description, this will be a colorful, lively production:
THE SHOWS MUST GO ON! A wealthy patron has commissioned two pieces of entertainment for a private dinner party: an opera based on the myth of Ariadne in exile, and a capering troupe of clowns for comic relief. The catch: the two acts must perform simultaneously so a fabulous pyrotechnics display can conclude the evening as promised. Our acclaimed production delivers a deliciously theatrical mix of lowbrow comedy and high art, offering surprises and delights at every turn.
Whether you are a new or seasoned opera fan, these talks are guaranteed to pique your interest. Please join us for an entertaining and informative evening!