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Community Breakfast February 25

2016 has arrived and  we want to make sure you get this important date on your calendars!  Every February, Third Place Commons hosts a Community Breakfast, our biggest fund – and fun-raiser of the year.  It is a fast-paced, lively event, and in 2016, we have some great guests who will make it even more enjoyable.

Please join us for a community tradition. Each year Third Place Commons hosts a fantastic breakfast celebrating our over 900 yearly events and raising vital funds to help keep it all going.

Tickets are $50/seat, or bring your friends to a table for 8 at $375. Tickets available at Third Place Books and on our website here.

Allen Schauffler will emcee the event, and special guest Mayor Jeff Johnson will speak. Musical entertainment will be provided by the Milner Family Fiddles. Live auction items include an assortment of choice libations, a night of music in the Commons, and dinner out.

We look forward to seeing you in the Commons bright and early on February 25th!
Doors open at 7am and programming starts at 7:30am.
